Blockchain world has never in multi day seized to progress in its major uniqueness. What's more, sensibly all blockchain advancement has continually being for the improvement of the general public everywhere, taking care of issues, bringing a superior and simpler method for taking care of things thus considerably more not specified. Sufficiently clever many individuals still imagine that there is no less demanding or better method for getting things done, clearly it could be because of absence of data or should I say absence of right information. Well in this article, I will acquaint with you another blockchain technology, one that will take care of one of those basics issues individuals  and society at large confront around the world "Health”.

It is unquestionably right that a normal patient still faces high costs, deficient access, and conflicting nature of HealthCare notwithstanding the great development in HealthCare Industry, world-class specialists, best in class advancements, exceedingly qualified specialists and medicinal services experts.The interest on the best way to determine this issue lead me to a well and more decentralized blockchain technology "MeFy Platform"

MeFy is a coordinated health platform that gives a platform to everybody to assume its part for the advancement of society and people's health. Beginning from a person to his/her loved ones, from specialists to drug specialists, healing centers to pharmaceutical organizations, analysts to government establishments.
Doctor's facilities and clinicians outside of MeFy private cloud can increase approved access to singular health information according to the savvy contract. Analysts and government organization will have totaled information to control spread of maladies and plan future medications.

The present medical services system is encountering very substantial challenges and weights, which are showed in the way that the assets are altogether restricted, and the costs keep on growing with terrifying scales. This is reflected in the nature of administration. Frequently the gatherings need to exploit not generally gainful exchange offs - thus, patients have a genuine danger of staying without new, amazing techniques for treatment and meds, and producers don't generally have the chance to recoup costs.


MeFy and its Platform MeMe Care does not simply center around drug but rather accepts to enhance singular health. Henceforth singular way of life, eating routine and society has a major part to play for general change of health and medicinal services.
What's more, it requires an exertion from the entire society to enhance health or society's wellbeing not by singular endeavors. Neither would it be able to be enhanced just by having best human services offices.


MeMe Care App: MeMe Care Individual mobile app, provides access to MeFy platform for individuals or patients.

MeMe Doctor Web App & Mobile App: MeMe Doctor Web and Mobile app allows doctors to expand their practice beyond geographical boundaries.

MeMe Pharmacy: MeMe Pharmacy will provide a desktop and mobile application for retail pharmacies.

MeMe Hospital: MeMe Pharmacy will provide a desktop and web application for hospitals.

And so much more.


For More information Check out this Links:

Published By: Akany


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