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The nations of digital cash and smart contracting have been known for a long time, yet only in recent times like strides been with respect to implementation.
Generally when it comes to life itself and existence, there is always and would be a special among the rest. In the crypto would, this ideology doesn’t change at all. There are exceptional blockchain technology driven platforms, exchanges etc that is outstanding and unique.
Speaking of crypto, there are currently thousands of cryptocurrencies currently trading and there is actually no way you can talk about crypto that you won’t also make mention of exchange because this is the platform where users can trade cryptocurrency for another cryptocurrency or cryptocurrency for other assets such as conventional fiat money.
So far so good so many crypto exchange has emerged and as the number of quality tokens increases, the larger exchanges are forced to keep pace by constantly adding new trading pairs to their lineups. Well just like I said earlier that there is always and would be a special among the rest, I can boldly tell you that one of the best crypto exchange every investor and traders needs to know is EOS EXCHANGE EOSex http://www.eosex.com/
EOSex is building a global one-stop trading platform for qualify assets. EOSex is a safe fair and transparent digital assets trading platform Industry.
The exchange uses a mining system that has been specially designed to prevent the types of massive collapses that have already been seen on their exchanges.

EOSex maintains large funding reserves to provide deep margin support, unlike other exhcnage that after futures contracts or continues futures contral but which often run into liquidity storage. Eith EOSext. Traders can easily go long or short from any prices point.
EOS not only gives users access to the top cryptocurrencies but gives access to the leveraged trading of the world’s major equities, key equities, commodities (e.g Crude Oil, Gold etc) bitcoin, Ethereum and any other assets class that altracts capital flows.
Precious metal: Gold, Silver platium, palladium
Equities and Equity Indexes: North America, Europe, Asia
Agricultural: Wheat, Soybeans, Oats
Metal: Copper, Aluminum
Energy: Crude Oil, Natural Gas

The trading system uses a distributed technology that allows for expandability as trading volumes rise, with different process separated and processed independently.

EOSex views the protection of both fund and data, keeping funds properly segregated across both online and cold storage.

EOSex believes that the combination of liquid-Box plus the broker model will result in tighter spreads and will create a better overall trading experience for all users.

The Liquid-Box has already been developed by the EOSex team, this Liquid Box allows liquidity from all other major exchanges to be rounted into EOSex in order to make available deep liquidity for those tokens selected to list on EOSex. At the same time, they created a latest type of trading platform where they act as the broker for other platforms, thereby reducing the time it takes for an order to wait to be filled.
All clients fund withdrawals go through its in-house developed, proprietary compliance system to ensure that funds are never lost or stolen.
ERC20 Token
EOS based tokens
EXP (EOSex Proof.

EXP (EOSex Proof)
EXP is a proof of membership in a community created by and based on EOSex. Its owned by the entire community and its purpose is to assist with the development of the community and to give everyone a say in that development.
Total of 10,000,000,000 EOSex Proof (EXP) token will be issued among Private Sales Investors, the Project Team (locked up) and among the EOSex Community.

Referring to the chart below, we can clearly see the use of its Fund with the percentages.
use of fudn.JPG


Industry partners.JPG

Investment Partners.JPG

Technical Partnersn.JPG
For more information visit;

Username: Akany




Knowing about blockchain technology is the best thing that can ever happen to you, there are several platforms based on blockchain today that are doing the usual and even the unbelievable. I am a social media person, I post a lot ads, publish contents and even articles on social media. Post updates, like peoples post and comments a lot. I did things because I loved to but I never believed that I can get paid for doing what I love to do and since creating a content isn’t an easy task too, I can also say is getting paid for my work done. Surprised? I was too.

Well blockchain based platform has come to open thousands of people’s eyes cause I know for sure I am not the only person in that shoes.  As a matter of fact throughout the world today, popular social media services such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter and Linkedin are drawing attentions from many people and there are about 3 billion active users on social media, and the number keeps growing by the day.

These users have developed the network platforms through the creation of contents, posts, shares and likes. The total content made by the Network Platform is worth Hundreds of Billions of Dollars. But its so sad and unfair as the user who are doing more work don’t get rewarded. Instead the value created is distributed among company holders & shareholders.

As a way of breaking this unfair system, a brand new social media service platform based on blockchain technology has emerged. Let me introduce to you Foresting. Foresting provides a fair value distribution for users.

Foresting is available to anyone. Anyone in the world can easily profit from Forestig including those without prior knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Foresting is a blockchain based rewarding social media platform which also contains a Banking Services for users and a Creation Lab for its users. These three departments were designed, in a systematic structure to make a perfect users environment. 

For every act of posting commenting, sharing and rating content, the use will be rewarded with PTON Tokens.

Foresting Bank is a virtual bank providing financial services to help the users focus on their content creation.

Foresting helps its commonly and content creators through the foresting lab. This work space helps support all the tasks of content creators. From content creation to edting ideation and more.]

The users share this intention and strive to make this happen through their participation.

This is an awesome innovation that every social media users needs know for it would change  

Foresting Merits

Foresting will provide an intuitive blockchain-based social media platform with top class UX/UI and the technology to support a wide range of content, including images and videos. 

  • Provide User-Friendly UX/UI
  • Is fully Optimised for all Devices
  • Features Categories for Different Interests
  • Support all forms of content
  • Brings you More Privacy Control

Road Map

For More Information;




Hmmmm…. This world is indeed primarily a product of an idea, every single thing in this planet earth are derived from an idea and funny enough it seems as if a lot of people are still lacking behind even upon the fact that ideas are given out for free. You might be wondering why I am saying this, well do not worry I will definitely clarify you, just read down. Observing this world, from the beginning of time, one thing that has never ceased to occur is development, yes development. As a new day emerges, that’s how things gets modernized and advance, new technologies, solutions to problems, easier and better way of making things work. Currently almost the whole world is making transaction and online payment from one geographical area to another easily with the use of digital currency.

Undoubtedly, there is a possibility that most of you might still be curious to know what exactly I am driving at more especially as I have made mention of digital currency since it is not everybody that have full or even basic knowledge about it. But just believe me as I tell you that reading this article will clarify you of so many things that you didn’t know and also things you need to know that you would wish you knew before hand. Just keep reading.

We all should count our selves very lucky for being part of this generation (The 21st Century) which is being exposed to new technology, (The Blockchain Technology/Internet) a technology where cooperation, individuals billions.

What is Blockchain

A blockchain, initially block chain is a developing rundown of records, called blocks, which are connected utilizing cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the past block, a timestamp, and exchange information (for the most part spoke to as a merkle tree root hash).

By plan, a blockchain is impervious to adjustment of the information. It is "an open, circulated record that can record exchanges between two gatherings effectively and in an obvious and perpetual way". For use as a disseminated record, a blockchain is regularly overseen by a shared system on the whole clinging to a convention for between hub correspondence and approving new blocks. Once recorded, the information in any given block can't be modified retroactively without change of every single ensuing square, which requires accord of the system greater part.

Blockchain was created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 to fill in as the general population exchange record of the digital currency bitcoin. The development of the blockchain for bitcoin made it the main advanced money to take care of the twofold spending issue without the need of a confided in expert or focal server. The bitcoin configuration has motivated different applications, and blockchains which are clear by the general population are broadly utilized by cryptographic forms of money. Private blockchains have been proposed for business utilize.

Plenty grammar right? Well don’t worry I will simplify.

Frankly speaking, since the creation of blockchain and the emerging of cryptocurrency (digital money) e.g bitcoin, things have become so easy and simple. We all are aware that as long as planet earth is concerned, everyday in different geographical area in every moment there is always a transaction going on, whether it is official, personal etc. and in every transaction one makes, there is always a due procedure or a process by one need to undergo. 


Centralization refers to the process in which activities involving planning and decision-making within an organization are concentrated to a specific leader or location. In a centralized organization, the decision-making powers are retained in the head office, and all other offices receive commands from the main office. A payment system where a third party is a necessity, one don’t have full control over his or her money and also its issued by a government or corporate entity. Two willing parties cannot transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party.

While Decentralization

On the other hand a absolute payment system that we all need is a decentralized system of payment. A decentralized system is one which requires multiple parties to make their own independent decisions". In this system one don’t need to depend on or place trust on a third party whenever he or she wants to make transaction with one or two persons.

At the point when Bitcoin was discharged into the wild in January of 2009, the decentralized system gradually began changing the manner in which society sees cash and the whole money related framework by and large. Bitcoin began with only a couple of adopters, as Hal Finney who got 10 BTC finishing the plain first bitcoin exchange. Presently the convention is utilized by a large number of individuals from each edge of the world, giving people a superior method to bank, while likewise moving their assets without consent from supposed rulers.

Indeed, bitcoin is viewed as the 'general population's cash' in light of the fact that the decentralized digital money has no rulers and gives people the sovereign opportunity to do whatever they need with their cash.

Just like bitcoin, Bitcoin One bolsters decentralized digital forms of money, an electronic installment framework in view of cryptographic evidence rather than trust, enabling any two willing gatherings to execute straightforwardly with each other without the requirement for a confided in third party.

Bitcoin One is a decentralized currency that serves as a global payment system. Companies, individuals and business partners can send and receive funds using BitcoinONE digital currency. BitCoinONE is a community driven project Decentralized meaning no state or company is controlling it, the Ecosystem is based on people helping out in marketing, support & development.

With 3 billion unbanked individuals in Africa and Asia with no ledger, "essentially in light of the fact that they are not welcome or rich enough" - Cryptocurrency can play a noteworthy distinction in their regular day to day existence. We beleive that cryptographic money is out of neediness and BitcoinONE have a mission to assist these individuals with a general arrangement that includes BitcoinONE and its own created blockchain.

Remember when I said that this world is governed by ideas and how a lot of people are still lacking behind even when the ideas are free? Well BitcoinONE is ideal solution (idea) which eradicates the problem of centralized system of payment. And if you don’t know about this, that means you are lacking behind. With BitcoinONE you can make transactions with multiple persons easily irrespective of the geographical area with you in total control of your funds. 


BitcoinOne is developing its own blockchain to ensure even faster transactions than those on the Ethereum network, ensuring almost instant transfer of funds, furthermore we want to a more secure and stable coin-alternative to Tether, which is planned to launch this in Q4 2018.

BitcoinOne is creating ventures with a utilization case that is Wallets and Mobile Crypto APP. This innovation makes things easier for everyone, you don’t need to worry about where you are anymore whenever you want to use or make payment with BitcoinOne. With the mobile App you run everything through as your phone is always with you. Imagine that moment where there is an emergency situation in which its solution is immediate transfer of BitcoinOne, you don’t need to run all the way back to your house, the car or anywhere you keep your PC just to make that transaction. At your very spot with your mobile phone you can just solve everything effortlessly.

It doesn't just stop there, market has being analyed and which call for a global demand for a crypto marketplace APP. With the APP people can easily buy and sell stuff with the use of crypto. The Marketplace will support BTCONE, BIP and so many other crypto coins

Bitcoin ONE have 10 million tokens in circulation out of 21 million in total. They have allocated tokens for reserve and development by so doing, the demand and underlying value of the token will be high base on the fact that there is limited amount out in the market. 

These actions will make it stable and secure coin to invest in.
10.000.00 in Circulation
8.900.000 for Development / Operations / Reserve 
2.100.000 for Marketing / Bounty


In order for one to buy or sell any cryptocurrency, it has to be added on an exchange. Well BitcoinOne is adding on more exchanges where you can buy or sell. When it comes to cryptocurreny, one of the vital things that is ought to be assuring is safety. As a way of guaranteeing safety to users, BitcoinOne is propelling virtual wallets so you can have your BitCoinOne securely stored in your own wallet on your PC or Mobile Phone.

If you fall under the categories of those that’s still struggling with bank issues (centralized system) you don’t have to worry anymore instead you should be happy for being part of this century with the most amazing innovations, Blockchain Technology so if you ask me, I will say it’s time for you to migrate to Blockchain Innovation and take part in its development for I accept and trust in Blockchain and know the potential and what it can convey to the 3 billion individuals with no bank account on the planet earth.

Why Blockchain – Bitcoin ONE
Blockchain is the advanced and decentralized record innovation that records all exchanges without the requirement for a budgetary middle person like a bank. It seems to offer five unmistakable focal points over existing installment help organizes that could make it a go-to innovation for the budgetary administrations industry (and different ventures) later on.

One of the prime reasons blockchain is interesting to organizations is that this innovation is quite often open source. That implies different clients or engineers have the chance to adjust it as they see fit. In any case, what's most essential about it being open source is that it makes adjusting logged information inside a blockchain inconceivably troublesome. All things considered, if there are innumerable eyes on the system, somebody is most likely going to see that logged information has been adjusted. This makes blockchain an especially secure innovation.

Lessened exchange costs
As noted, blockchain enables distributed and business-to-business exchanges to be finished without the requirement for an outsider, which is regularly a bank. Since there's no mediator inclusion fixing to blockchain exchanges, it implies they can really decrease expenses to the client or organizations after some time.

Faster transaction settlements
With regards to conventional banks, it's normal for exchanges to take days to totally settle. This is because of conventions in bank exchanging programming, and the way that money related establishments are just open amid typical business hours, five days seven days. You additionally have budgetary organizations situated in different time zones far and wide, which can postpone handling times. Nearly, blockchain innovation is working 24 hours per day, seven days seven days, which means blockchain-based exchanges process extensively more rapidly. etc.


In 2018 BitcoinOne is going to lauch an APP which will supoort its installment arrangement, so everybody can utilize and pay with Bitcoin ONE around the world as long as they have a cell phone. 

Besides BitcoinONE is propelling virtual wallets so you can have your Bitcoin ONE securely put away in your wallet on your PC or Mobile Phone. 

Bitcoin ONE is likewise including more trades where you can purchase or offer Bitcoin ONE

BitcoinONE sure indeed have a bright future, transforming the lives of billons of people globally. Primary concern, we needn't bother with banks or governments to control our cash and chooses its esteem. With cryptographic money; anybody regardless of on the off chance that they are rich or poor, race or religion have the monetary opportunity to setup a free wallet with no ID checks and exchange any add up to any individual on the planet.

Activities that emerges and help neighborhood network to profit by the New Blockchain Era. Please do not be left out, I encourage you to participate in this project. 


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When I set aside my opportunity to watch things in this century, it's extremely magnificent how things are simple and basic for everyone through blockchain innovation. You may ponder what precisely I am attempting to bring up. Well I have come to illuminate you that a superb stage has developed. First before I review this life changing information, I want to ask you few questions.

Are you an investor that wants to own a real estate but you are faced with significant barriers to entering the market?

Have you ever desire for an opportunity or opportunities of receiving stable income from blockchain investments backed by real assets.

True fact; there is no investor whether crypto investors or otherwise that would want to start an investment that he or she knows that they won’t profit. It’s impossible.
If you fall under any of the above categories of questions or maybe while reading through you developed an interest and wish for it. This is what RealReturn basically designed for.


Realty Returns is a cross-outskirt blockchain-based land commercial center with the intention to use the blockchain innovation and keen contracts to settle the absence of liquidity in the land. This is showcase by offering financial specialists the chance to offer their proprietorship stake in a particular property with the push of a catch through their stage; accordingly making a fluid land advertise.

Digital currency truly changes the diversion for cross-fringe land exchanges permitting individuals from everywhere throughout the world to put resources into the partial land
The conventional land contributing business sector is outdated. The seasons of requiring tremendous, close by capital stores to put resources into promising land have finished, because of RealtyReturns. They plan to thoroughly address the issues experienced in the land business by permitting individuals from all kinds of different backgrounds to put resources into reviewed and promising wage producing land properties utilizing crypto resources.

This stage uses decentralized blockchain innovation that will diminish the present framework issue like there is no requirement for go between, complex inspecting framework and it will decrease long settlement time. The RealtyReturns has a versatile and straightforward plan of action in which purchaser put resources into property; it will charge 3% of the security token issuance.

The seasons of requiring gigantic, available capital stores to put resources into promising land have finished, on account of RealtyReturns. The conventional land contributing business sector is outdated. They mean to exhaustively address the issues experienced in the land business. andthis is made conceivable by permitting individuals from all kinds of different backgrounds to put resources into confirmed and promising salary creating land properties utilizing crypto resource.

The Returns Token is worked in ERC-20, an institutionalized Ethereum blockchain ecosytem. The Returns Token model employes it's exclusive convention to enfore consistence on optional exchange.

Genuine Return propsed arrangement enforeces administrative consistence at the token level, consequently meeting center securitties prerequisites paying little respect to whether the exchange happens on unified or decentralized trades.

Token Sale Schedule
Approximately, 1.2 Billion (1,200,000,000) Access tokens connected would be sold via smart contract. The total Membership tokens capped for the crowd sale would be 150 million and it will also be fulfilled via smart contracts. Twenty percent(20%) of the Membership token will be held by RealityReturns treasury and ten percent(10%) for advisors, influencers, team members, brand ambassadors, incentives and several others. The other ten percent(10%) will be allocated to founders and it will be subjected to a vesting period.
Crowd Token -Sale
Estimated Price Token
  • 100 Million @ $ 0.15
  • 20 Million @ $ 0.30
  • 20 Million @ $ 0.50
  • 10 Million @ $ 0.75
Token Allocation
  • 30% - Blockchain and Database Development
  • 25% - Community, adoption, marketing
  • 15% - development of the front end network
  • 10% - Invest in the first 5 assets
  • 10% - Operations and Services
  • 5% - Law / Regulation
  • 5% - Cybersecurity



Land exchanges are famous for being moderate in nature, it could take you at least a half year to buy a global property in the event that you are fortunate. One investigation finds that 56% of Chinese speculators spend more than 1 year finding their optimal US venture property as per Juwai Chinese Consumer International Travel Survey 2018. There are passed up on chances and lower returns when it takes that long to put resources into land. Organizations like RealtyReturns have a simple point-and-snap easy to understand interface enabling you to put resources into land through cryptographic money in a matter of seconds.


Anybody that takes after governmental issues can comprehend and acknowledge straightforwardness, after all it keeps us fair, and it makes more trust; which at last advantages the economy in general. Stephen M. R. Flock composed a whole book called "The Speed of Trust" where he puts forth the defense for building trust as a methods running a more beneficial and productive business. The truth of the matter is that absence of trust makes erosion, and rubbing moderates exchanges and postpones profitability. Land tokens give perceivability into a computerized record where all relevant data is put away including salary created by the property.


A snappy google inquiry of land extortion or tricks will give you a decent sense for how much unsalvageable harm it can cause. A great many dollars are lost each year because of land extortion. What's more, in spite of the fact that rarely to encounter land misrepresentation, when it happens it can cut down the house. Blockchain makes an unchanging advanced record that keeps extortion from occurring in any case. Changes and updates on the blockchain must be expert by accord amongst members and new information can't be eradicated. All exchanges and records of the property are time stamped in the token keeping anybody from changing the certainties.

Real Return is a social framework or commercial center that makes utilization of blockchain innovation in order to give people with low maintenance land contributing.

For more information
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4762177.0
Website: https://realtyreturns.io/
Whitepaper: https://docsend.com/view/pfbk7sc
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/RealtyReturns/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtyreturns
Telegram: https://t.me/realtyreturnsglobal

Author: Akany
Bitcointalk Username: Akany

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